Insurance / MVA

Insurance Coverage for Chiropractic Treatment in Lethbridge

Many insurance companies offer benefits that cover all or part of treatment costs. This includes Great-West Life Insurance, Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan, Green Shield Canada, Manulife, Alberta Blue Cross, Maximum Benefit, Sunlife, Canada Life  and Industrial Alliance, just to name a few. Some of these companies allow us to bill them directly; if they do not, we give you receipts that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Please read on for more information about coverage for motor vehicle accidents (MVA) and through the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) and Department of Natural Resources (DND).

Chiropractic Treatment after a Motor Vehicle Accident

Following an MVA, you may struggle with painful injuries. In order to get insurance coverage, it’s important to be examined by a chiropractor, as soon as possible, as your symptoms may change over time. Following an MVA you must:

Report your accident to your insurance provider within 10 days.
Tell us about your MVA so that we can schedule time with your doctor in order to examine and discuss your injuries. First-time patients should advise us that they require our services because of an MVA.
Bring any forms you have received from your insurance provider and we can assist you with paperwork. If you have not received any paperwork, we do have standard forms available.
Provide your insurance adjuster’s name and contact information, plus the claim number.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

RCMP members (excluding civilian members) are eligible for prescription-free chiropractic treatment, with a maximum annual coverage of $4,800. This annual total includes chiropractic treatment, physiotherapy and massage therapy. Fees above that number must be paid by the client.

Our doctors are approved through the Blue Cross, and we bill the Blue Cross directly for RCMP members. RCMP members should bring their Blue Cross benefit card to their first appointment, and we’ll keep a copy on hand. For massage therapy, clients must get an annual referral from a medical doctor.

Veterans Affairs

Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) offers health care benefits via 14 Programs of Choice (POC) . POC 12, Related Health Services, includes chiropractic treatment and massage therapy. There are two groups who are eligible to receive health care: those with a pension from Veteran Affairs Canada, and those receiving an allowance under the War Veterans Allowance Act. Veterans must present their health ID card indicating which benefits they are eligible for.

The DVA will pay up to $50 per visit, with a limit of 20 sessions per calendar year for chiropractic treatment. If you need more than that, we will contact the VAC Treatment Authorization Centre to approve more sessions. For massage therapy, veterans must bring an annual referral from a physician; the benefits program allows for 15 hour-long sessions of a maximum of $91 each.

Department of National Defence

Members of the Canadian Forces are eligible for 10 visits (9 chiropractic treatments plus an assessment) when prescribed by an attending physician. After this, a physician follow-up is required, and the client may be approved for further treatment. The Canadian Forces member must get pre-authorization for treatment. Massage therapy must be preauthorized for the payment of up to 15 one-hour sessions of up to $91. (plus HST).

Book your consultation whether you’re a new or returning patient!

If you have any further questions about our insurance offers or want to book a visit with Lethbridge Chiropractic, contact us today.

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